Met Oreo... Bailey's new buddy! She has wanted a pet for so long . For the last month she had to prove she could be responsible. We wanted to her into get into a groove with school before we added something new... But Oreo had different plans. Our friends living next door discovered a cat in their yard. It was hungry, timid and beautiful. Karen fed her for several weeks, while her poodle Pippin went crazy.. When Karen realized she didn't have a home she called us, knowing we love cats. Bailey had only been in school one week but she was determined to prove she could handle a pet.. I took her to meet the stray Karen had begun to love. Bailey was so excited about it... She said " It's so nice of you to give me your cat, and the best part is you didn't make me pay for it".
Some how the cat must have gotton misplaced from her family... she seems so at home with us, the first night she jumped in the the bed with Bailey and took a nap. Bailey doesn't like Oreo's CAT NAPS.. or how she hides from her. But she had no problem finding out if she was a girl or not.... I'm sure this isn't the last blog entry about Oreo...