Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Here is the storm the city was worried about..

We are bracing for a cold front.. the weather reports talk of ice & snow. The grocery store was packed everyone stocking upon on bread, milk.... beer. I'm sure it will be nothing just like last time, and the time before. But just to be safe I also bought milk & bread. It is amazing how the weather reports can be wrong 80% of the time but no one loses a job over it.

Saturday was Lilly's birthday, she had the sweetest tea party at Ladeeda...Bailey loved the dressing up, the parade and high tea with finger sandwiches. It was a great party.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Who swims in January? Bailey does... we spent the weekend at Brttany & Steve's. It was a 60 degree Friday night but the pool was about 90 degrees... makes for a lot of pool fun.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I know it's after Christmas and I should have put all the cards and decorations away... but I just had to share The Weaver's Christmas card... They are such a wonderful family, we are truly blessed..

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Monday, January 01, 2007

I have the best time hanging out with my favorite little girls... I am one lucky woman.

The two sweetest girls I know.....