Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm sure you noticed the new banner... I know it's not right but it's not as easy as it looks. The blog does not give you it's dimensions so it was trial & error. I'm ok with it for a while...

Crap! Again with the time & space problem... I have been trying for two months to attend an Altered book class at familymemories. For some reason i keep getting the fourth Thursday, the third & the fifth all mixed up.. I thought it was tonight, I had it all planned...then I called... it was last week, maybe the universe doesn't want me to attend... I'm going to try again next month..
We found the home my grandparent lived in when I was very small... if you can tell by the look on my face it was a mixture of happy, sad, strange & weird feeling.

Lynn & I spent my B'day week in Venice, Ca.
The Ambrose Hotel.. it was wonderful!!!

We had 50 worms

I bet the girls caught 40 fish... they had a blast...

What a bad blogger I have been. I have lots of excuses but no good ones... but the first step in recovery is to admit it... so here we go. "I have a time & space problem" Wow, I feel better!!

Memorial Day...

Spent the weekend at Katmandu with Jim, Tara, Katie & Hadley... the girls play so good together.. Bailey wouldn't even stop playing to eat.. Every few hours we just shoved a Fuffernutter in their hand as the flew by.

We took the girls fishing... the fish must have known it was a catch & release program because they all wanted on the hook. Tara caught 2 one one hook and Katie caught several with the same worm..